Our FAQ page offers essential details about Chirayu Super Speciality Hospital's services, treatments, and appointment booking. Find answers to common questions about our specialized medical care, diagnostic tests, and treatment options. This resource ensures a smooth, informed experience when accessing our comprehensive healthcare services.
High CPK levels can indicate muscle or tissue damage, such as from a heart attack, muscle disease, or brain injury.
No, fasting is generally not required for the CPK Total Test.
Intense exercise or physical activity shortly before the test may temporarily elevate CPK levels.
The frequency of testing depends on the condition being monitored and your healthcare provider’s recommendations.
Abnormal CPK Total Test results may require further evaluation to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.
No, this test is performed after consuming a standardized meal.
Typically, blood samples are taken 2 hours after finishing the meal.
Yes, it helps assess how well your body processes glucose after eating.
Elevated levels may suggest impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes.
Results help determine appropriate dietary and medical interventions.
It can detect gastrointestinal infections, digestive disorders, and other conditions affecting the digestive system.
No, fasting is not usually required. Follow the healthcare provider’s instructions for sample collection.
Patients collect a small sample of their stool in a clean container provided by the laboratory or hospital.
Further tests or investigations may be recommended based on the findings to confirm a diagnosis and plan treatment.
No, the Stool Routine Test primarily assesses gastrointestinal health. Cancer screenings may require specific tests like colonoscopy or fecal occult blood test (FOBT).