Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ page offers essential details about Chirayu Super Speciality Hospital's services, treatments, and appointment booking. Find answers to common questions about our specialized medical care, diagnostic tests, and treatment options. This resource ensures a smooth, informed experience when accessing our comprehensive healthcare services.

1. Is laparoscopic hernia repair better than open surgery?

Laparoscopic repair is less invasive, offering benefits like smaller scars, less pain, and quicker recovery compared to open surgery.


A blood sample is collected from a vein in your arm and then analyzed.

Yes, it can detect elevated blood sugar levels, which may indicate diabetes.

No, this test can be done at any time of the day without fasting.

High levels may suggest diabetes or another metabolic disorder.

Results are usually available on the same day of testing.


HB Electrophoresis is a diagnostic test that separates and identifies different types of hemoglobin in the blood to diagnose hemoglobin disorders.

This test is used to diagnose conditions like sickle cell disease and thalassemia, monitor disease progression, and screen for hemoglobin disorders.

No special preparation is needed. You can eat and drink normally, but inform your healthcare provider about any medications or health conditions.

Results are typically available within 2 to 3 days after the test.

The results provide information on the different types of hemoglobin present and their quantities, helping to diagnose and manage hemoglobin disorders and genetic conditions.