Frequently Asked Questions

Our FAQ page offers essential details about Chirayu Super Speciality Hospital's services, treatments, and appointment booking. Find answers to common questions about our specialized medical care, diagnostic tests, and treatment options. This resource ensures a smooth, informed experience when accessing our comprehensive healthcare services.

1. Primary Health Care

Primary Health Care (PHC) refers to essential health services provided at the first point of contact with the healthcare system, focusing on preventive care, health promotion, and managing common health issues.

PHC includes preventive services like vaccinations and screenings, management of chronic conditions, treatment for minor illnesses, and health education.

PHC promotes early detection of health issues, reduces hospital visits, and improves overall community health by focusing on prevention and health promotion.

PHC services are provided by general practitioners, family doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals.

Chirayu Super Speciality Hospital offers specialised services in emergency critical care, cardiac care, nephrology, diabetes management, and comprehensive primary health care.

2. What are the benefits of arthroscopy compared to open surgery?

Benefits include smaller incisions, less pain, quicker recovery, reduced risk of infection, and minimal scarring.

3. ECG

An E.C.G Test records the electrical activity of the heart to diagnose heart conditions and monitor heart health.

Wear comfortable clothing and avoid lotions on the chest area. Inform the technician of any heart devices.

The test takes just a few minutes to complete, with results usually available within a few hours to a day.

The E.C.G Test assesses heart rate, rhythm, electrical conduction, and heart size, providing insights into heart health.

Book online through our website or contact our team to schedule your E.C.G Test.